QSAN Technology, Inc.


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SecureNet FZC and QSAN Join Forces for Enhanced Digital Security and Efficiency

SecureNet FZC and QSAN Join Forces for Enhanced Digital Security and Efficiency

Taipei City, Taiwan – Feb 19th, 2024 – QSAN Technology Inc., a leading storage solutions provider in Taiwan, is glad to announce a strategic distribution partnership with SecureNet FZC, a collaboration set to revolutionize the landscape of digital security and data management. This alliance merges the advanced cybersecurity services of SecureNet with the cutting-edge data storage solutions provided by QSAN, promising unparalleled protection and efficiency for organizations within the MEA region.

Through this partnership, businesses can now seamlessly integrate state-of-the-art cybersecurity measures with robust data storage infrastructure, ensuring comprehensive protection against evolving cyber threats while optimizing data management processes. This synergy between SecureNet and QSAN underscores a shared commitment to innovation and excellence, empowering enterprises and SMEs to navigate the complexities of the digital age with confidence and resilience.

"Through our collaboration with QSAN, we can deliver Enterprise Unified Storage to our customers and partners, offering customers unparalleled optimization storage. We accelerate the enterprise workloads and help customers with workloads" Samentemurty Sadasivan- Solution Architect- Data Center at SecureNet FZC.

"Collaborating with SecureNet is an exciting step forward for us in ensuring comprehensive data protection and management solutions for our clients," says Steven Lin, Vice President of QSAN. "This partnership exemplifies our commitment to delivering cutting-edge technologies that not only secure data but also streamline its storage and accessibility, empowering organizations to thrive in today's digital landscape."

About SecureNet FZC

SecureNet FZC operates as a distinguished value-added distributor, specializing in the delivery of Storage services, along with Cyber Security, Networking, Telecommunication, Data Protection, and IoT Security solutions to enterprises and SMEs within the MEA region. Our unwavering commitment is centered on delivering unparalleled service, achieved through the integration of robust technical expertise with industry-leading products, facilitated by a network of reliable and well-established resellers. Over time, we have diligently cultivated a loyal client base by consistently providing dependable and trustworthy services while fostering enduring relationships with our valued reseller partners.

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About QSAN

QSAN has been a forward-looking pioneer in the IT industry that is committed to data protection, QSAN creates simple, safe, reliable, and uninterrupted storage services to businesses of all sizes. Our high-cost performance ratio connects the global leaders and help them turn data into creative momentum, build dynamic capabilities for digital transformation, and make flexible strategies to enhance business operations.

For more information, please visit: www.QSAN.com

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Higher Reliability, More Service Options, More Exclusive Benefits in QSAN 2024 Reseller Partner Program

Higher Reliability, More Service Options, More Exclusive Benefits in QSAN 2024 Reseller Partner Program

Taipei City, Taiwan – February 6, 2024 - QSAN, an experienced specialist in the data storage market, is thrilled to announce the launch of its highly anticipated 2024 Reseller Partner Program.

This program is straightforward — providing reseller partners with the support, resources needed to sell QSAN products in such competitive market and rewarding them with multiple incentives to maximize their profitability when they commit and invest in QSAN.

Key Program Benefits:

  1. Effective Trainings

Arm yourself with expert-level product knowledge through our comprehensive training programs to effectively solve end users’ questions on site.

  1. Greater Profits

Maximize your profitability by leveraging deal registration to secure exclusive rebates, ensuring you get the most out of your sales efforts.

  1. Upgraded Services

Empower and enable you to upsell multiple options of value-adding services for your clients.

  1. Prioritized Support

Get prioritized pre-sales and technical support for any inquiries or challenges you may encounter.

  1. Marketing Resources

Access a diverse range of marketing collateral to promote your offerings and generate more potential leads, strengthening your market presence.

  1. Deal Protection

You can fully protect your deals through the easy deal registration process.

Focus Product Lines & Services

  1. XCubeFAS - Premium NVMe All-Flash Array with Ultra-High Performance & Lightning-Fast Response Times

QSAN XF3126 bundled with SD4 NVMe SSD delivers highest throughput with microsecond-level latency for performance-sensitive workloads.

  1. XCubeNXT - Versatile Unified Storage with High Availability, Flexibility, and Scalability

QSAN XN8100 and XN5100 achieve a balance of high performance and cost-effectiveness through a consolidated storage platform.

  1. Multiple Service Options

Service is always a key consideration while selecting storages to build IT infrastructure.

QSAN confidently provides various services and reliable solutions that doubly assure maximized storages lifetime and clients’ TCO reducing.

Start today!

Let QSAN help you become the partner that your clients cannot live without! This reseller partner program is designed to assist potential partners in learning, building, marketing, and profiting with QSAN.  

For more information, don't hesitate to visit our partner program website or contact sales@qsan.com.

About QSAN

QSAN has been a forward-looking pioneer in the IT industry that is committed to data protection, QSAN creates simple, safe, reliable, and uninterrupted storage services to businesses of all sizes. Our high-cost performance ratio connects the global leaders and help them turn data into creative momentum, build dynamic capabilities for digital transformation, and make flexible strategies to enhance business operations. 

For more information, please visit: www.QSAN.com


QSAN and Western Digital Build an Efficient and Transparent Government

台灣台北訊 - 2024 年 2 月 5 日政府公部門的營運中,數位治理已是現在進行式,如何提供更高效、便捷的服務體驗成為決定性的關鍵因素。公部門服務必需遵守合法性要求、追求成本效益,並加強跨局處資料共享,面對日趨嚴謹的資料安全及隱私保護挑戰的同時,又需處理大量資料,確保數位化服務運作高效,QSAN 專業的資料儲存解決方案協助政府機構成功的數位轉型。


全球政府和軍事機構每秒最多面臨 1.5 萬次網路攻擊,老舊的系統和設備是主要風險,使得機敏資料極易遭受威脅。檔案加密傳輸和存取控制等安全防護機制,抵禦勒索軟體和病毒入侵,保護政府機密和民眾個資,遠離不當外流風險。

QSAN XCubeNXT 系列支援 SED 硬碟 保護機敏資料不外洩

QSAN XCubeNXT 統合儲存系統系列提供對 SED(自我加密硬碟)的全面支援,為保護機敏資料提供了強大的安全性。SED 硬碟具有內建的硬體加密引擎,可以在硬碟層面對資料進行即時加密,有效地防止未經授權的存取和資料外洩風險。這種硬體層面的安全性不僅可靠且高效,同時也減少了對系統效能的影響。XCubeNXT 系列藉由整合 SED 硬碟,為企業提供了一個可信賴的儲存解決方案,確保敏感資料在儲存過程中全面獲得最佳的安全保護,有效地降低了機敏資訊外洩的風險。 此外,XCubeNXT 系列全面支援 WORM (單寫多讀),WORM 可以保護您的資料免受加密性勒索軟體的侵害。防止勒索軟體秘密安裝在系統上並加密資料,使它們無法被存取。

Western Digital 儲存解決方案

為了因應企業不斷增長的資料量,Western Digital 提供容量高達 22TB 的 Ultrastar HC570 企業級硬碟,不僅每年可處理高達 550TB 的工作負載,且採用 OptiNAND 儲存架構下的 ArmorCache™ 寫入快取保護技術,讓企業能夠確保儲存設備在緊急斷電 (EPO) 的情況下不會遺失資料,有效處理大規模資料備份並支援現代應用程式的擴充需求。並且同時提供 SED 規格的硬碟,與 QSAN XCubeNXT 系列共同打造安全的資料環境。


QSAN 一直是資訊科技產業具有前瞻性、致力於資料保護的先驅。QSAN 為各種規模的企業創建簡單、安全、可靠且不間斷的儲存服務。我們的高性價比產品與全球領導者連結,幫助他們將資料轉化為創意動能,建立數位轉型的動態適應力,並制定靈活的策略來強化商業營運。   

欲了解更多訊息,請訪問 QSAN 官方網站。 

SecureNet FZC and QSAN Join Forces for Enhanced Digital Security and Efficiency

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Higher Reliability, More Service Options, More Exclusive Benefits in QSAN 2024 Reseller Partner Program

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QSAN and Western Digital Build an Efficient and Transparent Government

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