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QSAN launches Official QSAN Blog

March  09 , 2018
Taipei City, Taiwan-March 9, 2018-QSAN Technology Inc. today has announced its Official Blog, where they will be frequenting hot topics, discussing common questions and misconceptions, explaining differences between software features, defining confusing terms, making in-depth comparisons, and more, all within the realm of data storage technology.
“The blog is meant to provide journalistic coverage on a wide variety of topics, topics that our engineers live and breathe every day, and present them to our readers in a fun and easily digestible format,” said Marshall Gunnell, Marketing Manager at QSAN. “We hope our audience enjoys their time at our blog and are able to leave with more than they came with,” added Gunnell.
You may access our blog by visiting storage.qsan.com/blog/

About QSAN
Qsan Technology was founded in 2004 by a group of experienced engineers who wanted to build top-notch storage systems. With outstanding performance, completed data protection, and smart data management, Qsan's storage systems will be the worldwide best without compromise. Qsan is not just a storage vendor, but also a technology and design company with a focus on solution innovation. For more information, please visit www.qsan.com

Press Contact
Marshall Gunnell